Baptisms are offered on the 2nd Sunday of each month after the 11:00 am Mass (begins approximately 12:20 pm).
Your child should be able to look to their Godparent as an example of how the church teaches us to live our Catholic faith. They should support you in your work to teach your child our Catholic faith.
“It is the responsibility of the godparent to show the candidate how to practice the
Gospel in personal and social life and to be for the candidate a bearer of Christian
witness and a guardian over growth in baptismal life.”
Each sponsor/Godparent for baptism must meet all of the following:
1. Be at least sixteen (16) years of age.
2. Be a fully initiated Catholic (must have received all three sacraments of initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
Godparents by Proxy
If the godparent cannot be present in person, he/she may appoint another person to represent him/her. This is usually done by letter which would contain a statement of acceptance of the responsibilities by the sponsor and the appointment by name of the proxy.
Christian Witness
A baptized person who belongs to a non-catholic ecclesial community may be admitted only in company with a catholic sponsor, and then simply as a witness to the baptism.